Link Dump #1

🪣 I've decided to create a link dump series. I don't know how often I will do it, I'll just create a draft #2 and add links to it, until I find, it is postable. And after it, with #3 and #4 etc. 😄

Kettlebell Workout: lately I trimmed down my workout to a 15 min kettlebell only workout.

Alternative Reddit Frontend: for me, as someone who only reads on Reddit, I like this approach a lot. I don't need to log in and have a fast interface. :)

The Story of Final Fantasy 7 explained (German): Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth was released, and I thought about, getting the game, but then I was too lazy to buy it. And currently, I have no time to play it. So, I didn't buy it. 😅 As someone who played the original a lot, I found this Video a good refresher and also a good summary of the whole story. Everyone interested in the Final Fantasy lore should watch this. And sorry that it is in German. Just got it from a friend who shared it with me.

13/100 of #100DaysToOffload

#log #linkDump
