The Good The Bad The Ugly #1 – Week 7

I thought about starting with 1, but we are already in week 8 of 2024 and this is a small recap of week 7. Or should I start with 1 and increase without the pressure of writing this every week? I’ll decide at the end of this post. Or maybe I need another number? #7-1? It looks confusing. #1-w7? 🤔

Strange soliloquies I'm having here. 😂

The Good

I finally found a setup for my office, where I can put my desk without having the door or the window in the back. :)

Office arrangement comparison of old on the left and new on the right

The Bad

It's challenging to get a new freelance project at the moment. I hoped that the market has healed in the last few months. Yes, I got some request, but the hourly rate was way under the usual price and was nearly as high when I started freelancing, ~10 years ago.

The Ugly

It is harder than I thought, getting our blind child into the local Kita. :/ I appreciate the effort and concerns of the team from the Kita, but their arguments can be easily refuted.

The Title

I've decided to go with “#1 of Week 7”. With this writing, it should be clear what is what. 😂

8/100 of #100DaysToOffload

#log #GoodBadUgly
